
International Museum Day 2020

I remember as a child relocating to Charleston, SC as a function of my father's naval career.

Upon house hunting one of the places we visited was a fine old antebellum white wooden house with huge rooms having twelve foot ceilings, fireplaces, mantles, and the look of something right out of the pages of Gone with the Wind.

The place was called Boone Hall Plantation and it was the makings of the pre American Civil War museum it now is.

Well, we didn't get to end up living at Boone Hall Plantation but it was an interesting interlude in possibilities. Sometimes I believe I was shown such places as residential possibilities in an effort to tantalize me. Whatever the case, it worked.

Boone Hall Plantation

Today is International Museum Day

International Museum Day, an international observance held under the auspices of the International Council of Museums annually around May 18.

The event is a thematic day which changes annually to reflect international museum community interests.

While I was a museum head long ago I fear those days have become supplanted by the internet and my ability to research such resources due to varous collections available on web sites.

However, this is an increasingly rare happening in my life.