
International Migrants Day 2022


As we observe International Migrants Day on December 18, we reflect upon the challenges and difficulties faced by our law abiding citizens living under the criminal Biden administration and his aim to swell the voter rolls with worthless individuals seeking entitlements.

I don't mean to come off as inhospitable or anything, but billboards were placed in Mexico and South America enticing people to migrate to the United States by the democratic party promising free everything.

If everybody is on the dole who is going to pay the taxes required to maintain these impossible entitlements stupid democratic party of the United States of America ? This is their rationale for increasing the democratic voters ... rob every tax payer to give entitlements to people who don't do anything except collect a government check.

We need to get rid of Biden and the rest of the border criminal democrats before it's too late. They are out to destroy the Republic and turn it into their personal socialist woke police welfare state for the benefit of their entitlement seeking cronies.

The reality of migration is destruction of our way of life due to an incessant drain of resources by foreigners sought by the democrats in order to usurp the Republic with those who have not and will not ever pay into the system.

Legal entry is one thing. However, all foreign nationals entering illegally should be purged by any means necessary and taught that when you violate our borders circumventing legal migration you will NEVER be welcome.

Die freeloader illegal alien migrants die.

Boo !