Yeah. People are bound to think me intolerant over my personal opinions regarding gayness in the populace. However, those known to me realize that I am much more tolerant that I might sound otherwise when I go off on yet another rant ...
It another thrilling International Lesbian Day, a time to celebrate those carpet munching female on female perverts who can't have children themselves so they involve others outside their family to become involved.
This abomination is held on October 8 in the name of lesbians and all the sick evil with which they pollute the world.
The likes of the evil libtard Rosie O'Donnell, who adopted normal children and converted them to transgender sick birds over which she fawns and says just how proud she is of the little pervert she created then raised. Nonbinary that unnatural bitch.
Sorry. I still think lesbians are an abomination and I have my own solutions for these miscreants who feel they belong in mainstream society when they don't. I do not feel the need to apologize for the fact that I believe coupling should be heterosexual, with no male and male or female and female pairs.
It's simply not natural. You cannot procreate in a same sex pair yet the idiot government wants you to be able to adopt normal children so you can turn them to your abnormal lifestyle. We are not penguins.
It all stems from my religious upbringing. Despite what others may say or exhibit I believe in a higher power and it is not Satan as the homosexuals portray.
If you are gay and known to me I will not persecute you because it is not my nature. Confrontational episodes are really not my cup of tea. Aside from this, die lesbians die.
See Also:
Same Sex Pairing in Nature