
International Day of Pink 2023

I'd like to qualify this mess by stating I have had and do have a number of homosexual friends whose company I enjoy and for which I hold no ill will. This is because they have a comportment and decorum consistent with mine and I don't like some flaming fool playing flamboyant gay personality around me.

So. Be all of this as it may I am just wanting to guarantee that if you act appropriately there is no need to involve me in your personal life. I don't give a rip about your personal life nor how you comport yourself behind closed doors. I will be polite and socially aware around you should we ever interact. Social life not withstanding:

pink triangle shot up    

Day of Pink started in 2007 because fags feel the need to celebrate their deviance and furthermore this inclination for taking it out of the closet where it belongs.

2SLGBTQIA+ individuals like the fugly debauched fag scoundrel bitch whitehouse press secretary should make note that too many of us are opposed to the blatant flaunting by their sickos and will pretty much address them in that manner of our choosing regardless of what they want in the way of quality, diversity, and acceptance and quite contrary to the stupid left who just wants their vote regardless of how immoral their behavior may become.

It's simply not possible for normal human beings to accept overt miscreant perverison in our midst.

I'm not for bullying of any sort, even of reprobate sexual deviants like 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals so keep your panty waist lecher attitudes to yourself, maintain a respectable distance, and we can cohabitate.

Get in my face just once and suffer the consequences, poofs. You are NOT welcome in my presence with your derelict lifestyles and deviate sexual proclivities.