
International Day of No Prostitution 2021

  erotic painting

Prostitution is a controversial topic. Frowned upon and shunned by polite company, there are those of us who have found a place for the prostitute in our lives. Some of us such as myself had a 'whore heyday' as it were in their service hitches.

However, many times these proclivities diminish over time as mine did precipitiously with the advent of civilian life and the dissipation of a need for 'paid company' as it were.

Today is the International Day of No Prostitution.

This is a day of awareness observed primarily by antisex work feminists in opposition to practice of sex work.

It was originally held in 2002 in San Francisco Bay Area of California, and Melbourne, Victoria. and has become an annual event each October 5th.

There have been events held at the University of the Philippines Institute of Human Rights and the Asia-Pacific chapter of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women as well as a candlelight vigil in Phoenix, Arizona.

Canada has been a location of political upheaval with opposing political factions opposing their anti sex worker laws.

Trades her soul as skin and bones
(You better love loving and you better behave)
Sells the only thing she owns
(You better love loving and you better behave) ooh ooh
Woman in chains (the sun and the moon), woman in chains