Practitioners of World's Oldest Profession, Hookers, Hoes, Ladies of the Evening, though there are many references to prostitutes the connotations remain the same and are typically regional or cultural.
They are considered to have compromised morals and be of poor character when many times that is simply not the case.
There are many times when the only people who would comfort me are those ladies out selling the only thing they own.
There are also others like me in circumstances which make us available customers. So I pretty much decline to judge or be judged regarding my participation in the sex industry.
We sometimes do what we must to accommodate our lives in trying times.
Today we have International Day of No Prostitution (IDNP). This day is set aside for the awareness and opposition of sex work.
It was first observed in 2002 and has evolved into an annual event each October 5 with events in the San Francisco Bay Area of California as well as Melbourne, Australia.
An event in 2005 held at the University of the Philippines Institute of Human Rights and the Asia-Pacific chapter of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) organized an event at which they discussed the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003.
In 2008 a candlelight vigil in Phoenix, Arizona with a second in 2010 at the same place with representation by city leaders and former sex workers participating.
There have been other events most notably in The Phillipines and Canada whereby those participating openly chastised invitees who did not attend.