
International Client's Day 2023

    Jodie Foster as Iris in the 1976 Martin Scorsese motion picture Taxi Driver
A customer or patron engaged in one's pursuit of business is called the client.

Clients are those who pursue services or goods for which they pay money which is then collected by those providing those services or goods.

Today is International Client's Day.

It happens on each March 19 and makes note of that business which transpires all year long between an entity and their clients.

This is primarily a mechanism for thanking their customers, visitors, and others in the name of promoting those warm and fuzzies which may prolong a business relationship.

I used to pursue the client.

I had goods to provide in the form of fixing broken machines at any level and implementing technology as required.

Nowadays I just sit around and write and sketch.

So if you're actively pursuing the client in an effort to pay the bills this day is for you.

If you're sitting around and pursuing your own devices then not so much.

Happy International Client's Day !