
International Cat Day 2021

I know a lot of cat people. I know people who've had cats. I know people who've put cats down. I personally have caught felines only to transport them to the animal shelter on Ball Park Road in Lexington for euthanasia. So ... perhaps I'm not a cat person.

I've had to come to an understanding with my neighbor regarding her many cats. Where as I formerly found myself at odds with them, I decided that I did not want to cause hate and discontent nor hard feelings or upset her so I set aside my problems with cats on her behalf.

I now allow them free range through my yard and I don't give them any crap, try to catch them or menace them in any way. I will even give her various canned goods like tuna and such for them as well.

I try to be a nice guy whenever possible. The cat thing was a slow difficult lesson in tolerance for me personally.

Today is International Cat Day. It is a celebration transpires each August 8th. It's origin is a 2002 International Fund for Animal Welfare impetus to raise the awareness of cats and learn ways to aid in their protection.

In 2020 International Cat Care which is a British nonprofit assumed the day in an effort to improve the health and welfare of domestic cats worldwide. They have been in operation since 1958.

So while I am not a cat person and have been known to treat cats callously I have attempted to evolve and amend my ways.

Kitty kitty kitty.