
International Caps Lock Day 2024

caps lock    
Today is international Caps Lock day. Don't ask me why.

This joke even gets observed twice annually, once on October 22 and then again on June 28.

The day is ostensibly a warning against the efficacy of email crafted in all upper case.

It is written that the day began in 2000 by an Iowa software developer named Derek Arnold.

I feel that Mr Arnold panders to the stupid ... which is something I decline to do for a long time now.

Caps Lock controls the case of letters on computers and typewriters and as such is a purpose action driven mechanism.

The entire notion that the case of letters can convey anger, shouting, or anything else beyond the meaning of those words written fails to register in my mind anymore — though I did hear the notion presented early on in my career.

I thought it dumb then and still do. What a dumb ass notion for a so-called holiday. Just think ... with this stupidity you EVEN get a two-fer. Good grief.