The bow tie is an accessory worn by many people. I, for one have NEVER worn one — nor do I intend to ever don this symbol of the crook and charletain. I think the addition of a bow tie deters from the general appearance of any outfit relegating you to the appearance of riff raff before your very eyes.
Every crook I've ever known was wearing a bow tie. Entirely too many deep South rednecks sport a senior prom picture with a bow tie. Fashion sense, WHAT fashion sense ?!
Today is International Bow Day. It is observed each August 19 in the dubious honor this misbegotton accessory which unfortunately has influenced fashion for eons. The bow tie has been traced back to Croatia in the 17th century. Heck, they could have kept it to themseles prior to allowing it to become an international tragedy.
Alas, some of my favorite people wear bow ties. The tuxedo is said to be "made" for the bow tie replete with cummerbund. Fugget about it .
However, if you are so inclined you don't need to be taking my lead on the matter. If you like a bow tie by all means wear it. I'm probably the only person on the Earth who will consider you a tactless tasteless dweeb.
Happy International Bow Tie Day to all of the fashion challenged out there.