
Insensitive COVID-19 comments these days

I remember during the early AIDS era how I thought the notion of dying from AIDS was funny. My callous humor came to an abrupt end in the finest traditions of "And the Band Played On" and there were photographs which altered my attitudes with a single look.

So now we have individuals saying how COVID-19 is an ulterior motive by the almighty to 'thin the herd' ...

    coronavirus standup
Coronavirus and quarantine jokes are utterly inappropriate when people are legitimately sick and dying.

Now, while this does not inspire anything which might resemble 'righteous indignation' and I am far from one who thinks the threat is anywhere near the level purported by the power stealing democrats like Fauci and his idiots at the CDC — I am diametrically opposed to poking fun at the disease or it's victims.

I also feel that the diagnosis has been inappropriately applied to cases by hospital administrations seeking that additional funds it will generate.

MOST OF ALL I detest the Biden administration for his overreach and nazi tactics in the absence of a clear plan or even sentience when it comes to governance.

The democrat party is a failure. This administration has screwed up every aspect of life in these United States including but not limited to the COVID-19 situation which I also decline to call a pandemic.

I took your gd vaccine and you are attempting to evolve the rules and grasp at power more and more.

At this juncture I am ready for that payback of the ballot box ... now that the malfeasance of democrat controlled polls has been brought to light despite the airhead assurances of the moron AG Barr that it was all 'bullshit'.

A day of reckoning is coming.