Another celebration of our independence from Great Britain is upon us. Time to reconsider the hardships endured by our ancestors in the name of freedom for the colonies which ultimately became the United States of America as the result of their resistence to rule by decree.
In this day we have freedoms unheard of in many nations. Unfortunately, those persons who would allow their emotions to overshadow facts and science has been a detrimental effect of the result of this freedom. These people say men can be women and women can be men. They cannot. They attempt to revise actual history with contrived versions supporting some fantasy narrative. They wish to teach psychosocial pseudoscience and portray it as having been subjected to the scientific method when it has not.
Their idiotic rantings are not the way.
On this day I wish you a happy holiday and urge you to resist all things woke. They are synonymous with stupidity and perversion. It would be a happier day for me personally if our nation weren't drowning in stupidity, perversion, and law breakers gone astray and running rampant such as those constituting the US democratic party.