In a perfect world people would come to your web site, look things over, peruse the assets then leave. Pause to look, listen, experience and go about their merry way. Uh huh.
However, this is NOT a perfect world.
Little unskilled assholes on the DIGITALOCEAN network think they need to attempt exploits at each and every opportunity with their libraries of exploit toolkit elements written by others.
Then all too many CHINESE exploiter wannabes want to hack your email server as well. One failure to negotiate TLS simply isn't enough. They need numerous reinforcements of the fact that there is security in place ...
And fixing to be even more so for them. They may wish to exploit; but I just escalate technical preventives on my end as consequences for their trouble.
So you break out that firewall you were trying so hard to stop using in the name of open netizenhood and general access to the world.
Back in the late 1970s I too used hacker toolkits because I mistakenly thought they imparted the appearance of technical prowess.
So instead of singing 'what a wonderful world' or something equally droll I have to sit and firewall DIGITALOCEAN and CHINANET assholes with wild abandon. I would much more prefer just letting people come on in but you take your world into your own hands on the internet. Guard your stuff or get robbed — or worse.