I used to like Robert De Niro. He has returned to his penchant for bad mouthing Donald Trump in public. He thinks supporters of Trump are insane and said as much in a Canne Film Festival press conference.
Now then, he MUST think that the idiot Biden is the "better" choice. I ask you, just who is insane. This turd needs to quit thinking he needs to speak for the country when he does not. He doesn't even have a good grasp of what the Presidency entails.
I used to be a big fan of De Niro and his work. He has overshadowed his acting with an opinion which states precisely how stupid his dumb ass is.
Trump was a great President and still retains all of his good ideas adding to them and discussing them in the public arena.
All De Niro can do is shoot off a stupid mouth saying nothing cogent about Mr Trump at all. He is simply a troll who beckons other like idiots and calls Trump names without backing up the talk. The public stage is not fit for such continual idiotic rantings.
Shut up stupid Robert De Niro. I for one have heard enough of the nothing spewing from your ignorant pie hole.