I run a server cluster with email and web server access across three domains on a 5 node gigabit subnet.
I hate to go off on a rant here but I would like to state unequivocally that in my entire existence I have never needed google on any of my assets ... and all they do is grow worse over time.
They simply do not provide me anything that I value.
If I could view them as objective and if their spider worked in an organic manner I wouldn't be so dead set against them. If you access me from google I think yeah, I'll let you in provided you haven't attempted exploit from your subnet — however, I don't think you get unfiltered results and I've viewed their scripting and they index mess which is not in even in the subset into which they have placed it by the time it hits their threads.
Given the inept environment and faulty subroutines, I decline to run ads. I decline a google web account. I detest the leftist libtard orientation of alphabet and all of their properties. I made a decision a couple of years back not to just firewall a network because they piss me off. Once upon a time I would terminate them with extreme prejudice and my personal failure to do so is the subject for a fair amount of self loathing.
In other words, the world would be a better place without google, alphabet, and their fellow woke ilk.
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There was a time when google was the best organic search engine on the planet.
That was then, this is now.
They have devolved into an advertising mechanism and the search engine aspects are secondary and subject to redirection based on their whims.
They don't even support those search configuration switches which were once available.
In my last job I was subjected to a woman whose most common response to any technical issue in the workplace was "just google it". They lost me and my assistant over the fact that this was status quo in the lamer leadership there. This is a person without grasp. Lacking her own technical knowledge base. Lacking expertise. Lacking savvy. Just another slug on the planet. Good riddance.
The stupid people who think google is a good thing have less in the way of objective requirements than I do.
If google were nuked from orbit, Earth would be a better place.
Since their departure from their excellent organic search engine model I have not had much need for them in my existence. They primarily provide that angst of knowing you're being subjected to manipulation and bias beyond your control.
The fact that their ineffectual ip geolocation fails the accuracy test at every turn is simply another infuriating aspect of their low tech unskilled outsourcing and other people running that show.
Boo google. Boo alphabet. Boo stupid proponents of google. Boo outsourced failure called IP Geolocation.