
Hummingbirds becoming Acclimitized

Hummingbird feeder cams

This year for the first time I have a few hummingbirds who hit the feeders and remain even though I'm standing there looking at them.

Time was they would flee at the first sign of anyone that close up. I am hoping this behavior will continue on into the season.

My bird counts don't peak until late July into August. Right now I think I have 1 or 2. The female who hangs out with me comes first thing in the morning and at dusk.

I am careful to keep the home made nectar fresh and the feeders clean and cleared of residual biologics such as bacteria and fungus spores.

This is achieved with copious amounts of white vinegar during the weekly feeder wash outs.

I don't know if I recognize these birds that are not timid, but I am of the opinion that they must be second or third generation hummers from this area ...

Seeing how I have been setting the feeders out yearly for a long time now.

It was very gratifying to watch the birds sit there and feed in my presence for the first time since I began feeding them some 10-15 years back.

I have been a long time getting to this point. The feeder on the right is about 3 feet closer to the camera than the feeder on the left and is a function of the window positioning.