
Hug Holiday 2023

    A hug
One of those universal expressions of affection is to squeeze another person tightly in one's arms — hug them.

It is a real time form of endearment to share with others those notions floating around in your head regarding them.

Hugging expresses affection which crosses boundaries. It can be friendly, intimate, familial — even casual.

It may be a hug of another. It might be a group hug. There is no set duration.

I personally have a problem with hugging because I don't like to be touched. I have been working on the issue for years and have made great strides.

Animals in nature even engage in behaviors resembling the hug. However, the emotion behind that hug itself actually sets people apart from othe other species engaging in such feelings.

It is said that hugging releases oxytocin, which among other things is called the 'cuddle hormone' which may exercise part of strengthening social bonds between individual.

Today is Hug Holiday. It is celebrated each June 29.

Time to reach out and hug another for all those reasons you feel are relevant. There are worse things than expressing the fact that another is dear to you.

Get on out there and show some love !