
Hot Enough for ya Day 2023

Hot Day Thirst    
Yes. It's hot enough for me. Lately I've become drained by the inferno called the great outdoors.

We had a rather lengthy spate of cool weather from all the cloud cover and subsequent rains.

A couple weeks past this all ended and I found myself thrust into the usual and customary weather in these parts. I tell you, I thought I might stroke out.

I have been both retiring and arising early in efforts aimed at avoidance of the fire like quality of my yard to no avail.

The most disturbing part of all of this is that Summer has not yet peaked. The humidity is unbearable.

The high temperatures are a deal breaker for me personally.

Today is Hot Enough For Ya Day.

We don't know when the day came into being, only that it is a satire on that muggy heat into which we now find ourselves immersed.

My activities have become seriously curtailed because I am a creature of the indoors and my world is computers and keyboards and of course my server cluster. These all require air conditioning in times like these — and so do I. Yeah, I'm fed up with the hot weather but it typically doesn't break until the end of October.

I suppose I'll simply muddle through it all. Pretty much like last year ... only I don't remember being this hot. Must be all of the new free time making me more sensitive.

See Also:

Hot Enough For Ya Day 2022
Heavy Humid Weather 2022
Dog Days 2021
In the heat of the South
Dog Days here, but not there ...