
Halcyon Days 2022

sketch from the birth of venus by Sandro Botticelli c.1480s    
When I was a child Bullfinch's Mythology was one of those biggies I loved to read. I started it in the first grade and continued reading through about the fifth.

I was enamoured with the ancient gods, goddesses, demigods, heroes, and others populating this world and the thoughts of magic and sea travel, and the fantastic creatures simply spurred that interest on.

I think it was part and parcel to that strong fantasy world I engaged during my childhood.

From a standpoint of meterology, Halcyon Days refers to a time of calm during the winter. In this context they go farther and represent peace and calm upon the planet when we as people were mostly content, and men were men and women were women ... not some woke deviant interpretation of how idiots feel.

This period of calm during the winter is a time when storms do not occur. It is also an English language idiom referring to any period of calm, usually in the past and often nostalgic.

So it's not really a holiday season, but Halcyon Days define that nostalgia and warmth of days gone by.

Seasons come and seasons go. Halcyon Days are a segment of December where stormy weather stops and gives us that time to breathe and partake of those memories we may then allow to linger.