
Gun Appreciation Day 2025

torso target

The Second Ammendment to the US Constitution gives us the right to keep and bear arms.

Weapons are authorized by law for the preservation of life, liberty, and property.

The purpose of gun rights is for self-defense, as well as hunting and sporting activities.

The left would curtail your constitutional rights because they are a criminal and overbearing control freak group out to seize our taxes and rule by decree.
I maintain a couple of guns in the crib. There is my primary weapon which is a .367 magnum Ruger Security Six manufactured in the 1970s. Then there is my antique chrome plated nazi Luger 9 mm of the WW2 era.

Neither weapon has seen much in the way of action since I acquired them. I last fired the Luger back in the 1970s at a tree in Dewitt Casey's yard the day I got it. I last fired my .357 on 05/28/2021 which was the time I qualified for concealed carry, I believe.

Being my primary carry the .357 gets cleaned much more frequently than the lugar — which is primarily a lay around and show gun. I have cleaned the Ruger twice since it was last fired.

Regardless, I have been known to fire long distance at a head sized target periodically and have a reasonable accuracy of approximately 300 feet. I view this as adequate distance from an adversary with good possibility for a kill shot. I don't shoot to wound. I shoot to kill.

Yes, should you find yourself going up against me in a gun fight I'm likely going to kill you without apologies.

Today is Gun Appreciation Day.

It is observed on January 19 annually in the United States. It began primarily as an impetus against heavy handed gun control like the leftist libtards want.

I for one will let the so-called libtard 'authorities' control my weapon when they can pry it from my cold dead hands.

So have respect for your firearms. Those weapons you maintain may sometimes save you from some untenable situation over which you might not gain control otherwise.

Guns don't hurt people. Bad people wielding guns hurt people.

Happy Gun Appreciation Day.