Yes, I enjoy my firearms. I own several and contemplate the acquisition of a Kimber Stainless Pro Carry II .45 ACP to add to my personal arsenal.
My reasons for handgun ownership revolve around the fact that while I am satisfactorily accurate with a rifle I am exquisitely accurate at long distances with a hand gun, having practiced extensively.
I'm one of these "live and let live" no nonsense "don't tread on me" patriot types who would just as soon take you out as tolerate your threatening imposition on my life.
F☠ck around and find out.
It wouldn't be so bad were the behavior of all too many not so threatening. Thre are carjackings, robberies, lootings, and such. The thought of becoming some late innocent bystander is simply more than I can bear.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America
Today is Gun Appreciation Day. It is observed each January 19 annually in the USA. This holiday began as a protest against unwarranted gun control, that bastion of infringement hallowed by the criminal democrat element in our midst.
It is my humble opinion that they may take my gun after they pry it from my cold dead hand.