One of those activities my late daddy warned me of was grab assing.
Cutting up would sometimes result in a rather stern admonition to stop grab assing.
Actually, I believe the context of his word was horseplay with other men ...
But you know, I had brief episodes of difficulty with the reaching out to grab that femme counterpart suspended in space as though you were reaching for heaven itself ...
Then there are the consequences.
These vary from a sharp look through a pop upside the head — or worse. I remember when my girl told me she was going to knock my teeth down my throat. Somehow, I feel that the sensuous nature of that thought of me biting her became lost in the moment and she became immediately incensed and threatening not to mention hostile as hell.
I told her that I rather liked the rough stuff and that she may wish to reconsider her position on the matter. Thusly we continue to this day even in light of my occassional transgression of decorum. You see grab assing is fine and dandy as long as you're fairly close to your grab — and it's not all you do.
I am a man with a multitude of talents and grab assing is simply a minute one of many.