
Google's Birthday 2022

So the 'reassigned' birthday of google is today.

The September 27 date conflicts with the actual founding of September 4, 1998 ... but since they're not really a search engine anyway I guess it hardly matters.

Google began life as an excellent organic search engine but shifted it's paradigm to that of an advertising/user control agent/election manipulator/fact obfuscator like facebook and twitter out to subvert the world with those libtard influences and untruths they see fit to propagate.

Therefore, I no longer really respect google nor do I utilize it much at all.

google search engine wasteland

I could live in a world where google no longer exists.

Then I find out that a lot of these other search engines are following their technocorruption lead.

Guess it will be duckduckgo's crappy algorithm as the "lesser of two evils". More Results my ass.

I am very disappointed in your and the rest of 'big techs' unscrupulous immoral business models and your infringement on free speech and other civil rights of the population you serve.

You do Evil.