
Google is Evil

Google is Evil

That evil which is big tech in general is usually eclipsed by oracle, facebook, and google.

oracle buys up good technology like java and makes it bad for the consumer.
facebook is in league with the government to suppress facts and information contrary to that narrative they wish to push.
google simply is a coniving, inferior, baiting, reporting piss poor excuse for a search engine which only shows you what it chooses to show. There is a vast difference between the "organic" search engine and google which is simply an advertising machine and redirector mechanism designed to direct traffic where they want and NOT where you might want to go.

Google will redirect or suppress you at their evil whim. They appear to intentionally get your IP geolocation wrong just to piss you off. They think YOU are their product.

Had Elon Musk not bought twitter it would be right there in the scumbag fray with the rest of them.

This merely scratches the surface of a problem created by those who ROUTINELY betray the public trust because of their evil wish to exert undue control.

In fact for a company which used to say "don't do evil" google is about as evil an entity as exists on the planet.

Companies like google, youtube, and alphabet which have no redeeming value whatsoever should be struck from the world like the plague it is.

This wart on the collective ass of humanity should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.

Die google die.

I suggest nuking google and their parents and subsidiaries from orbit. It's the only way to be sure to rid us of that arrogant thug of the information age called 'big tech'.

I have a droid but I don't use much of it nor do I save anything on it because I utterly detest google the crooks, the scum, the technoturds.