
Good Grief Day 2022

Charlie Brown    
I recall during my elementary school childhood at Aragona Village in Virginia Beach my enchantment with the peanuts films.

I would catch these on the teevee whenever I could and considered myself fortunate to sit there and watch and listen.

This continued well into my early teens and I always seemed to have time for the Peanuts specials but also didn't even notice the voiceover changes which happened over the years at all.

Today we have Good Grief Day.

It goes down each November 26 to honor the life and the legacy of Charles M Schulz — the cartoonist renoun for his Peanuts troup and those comic strips and television specials which continued posthumously in his name for our entertainment.

Though I'm not really one to watch them now, there was a time when I wouldn't miss one for the world.

They were a comforting interlude in my life at that point.

I also followed the comic strip in the newspapers prior to the fall of our local newspaper to the sorry yellow journalist libtard groups Knight Ridder and McClatchy and yes; I rue them coming into my life.

We can't always have what we want the way we want it.

So much for Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Sally, and the rest of the gang who have withstood the test of time despite the slings and arrows caused by the demise of the newspaper industry and the rest of the libtard mainstream media.