
Fragile X Awareness Day 2022

    Fragile X Chromosome

Fragile X syndrome is a cause of intellectual disability which runs the gamut from mild to severe.

It is found in both males and females with the female individuals typically having milder symptoms.

Symptoms include delays in talking, anxiety, and hyperactive behavior.

Some of those affected may have seizures.

Their physical features frequently include enlarged ears, a long face with prominent jaw and forehead, as well as flat feet.

Therapy can be used to treat their learning disabilities.

Medications may be used to treat anxiety and mood disorders.

I don't know any fragile x patients of which I am aware. I do know of several little boy children who had early behavioral issues which were subsequently diagnosed as autism.

It is amazing how these children don't know how to comport themselves early on for extended periods, yet manage to acquire a level of socialization later in their life times.

Equally amazing are the various talents of these individuals.

In July 2000 the 106th Congress designated July 22 as National Fragile X Awareness Day. Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of autism and intellectual disabilities internationally. Presently there is no cure.

World Fragile X Day