
Fish Amnesty Day 2024

Marine Tank

Aquaria has been a favorite past time of mine. Unfortunately my last foray into tanks and fish was long ago. I hope to pursue this again later if I live long enough.

Today is Fish Amnesty Day. It happens on the fourth Saturday in September annually since 1997 under the asupices of PETA. This year it falls on September 28.

The day is a vehicle for the public awareness of marine life such as fish. They like all other animals share the planet with us and deserve our utmost consideration.

Ecological issues such as overfishing, oil spills, the climate contribute to our diminishing fish populations. The country of Japan is singularly the largest poacher of the fish and marine mammals on the Earth. They feel it is their right to take all the marine life as they see fit. Nobody calls them on it. No one stops them. They think they can arrest you on the high seas if you interfere with any aspect of their operations.

Fish are an important part of the ecosystem and food chain on the planet. This is a day to find out how they may be protected and act accordingly. There are really no laws protecting fish by and large. Perhaps we should rethink their place on the planet and consider what constitutes cruelty.

Perhaps we should nuke Japan a couple more times. Teach them just who owns what and who doesn't.