Viewing the utter mess the democrats have made of the nation I keep wondering if the scandals and bad judgements of these buffoons were evident in their predecessors.
We don't read of the untoward boorish acting out in early politics like we do nowadays. This is all because of the leftist libtard embrace of woke culture despite it's vast rejection elsewhere.
On this day in 1790 US President George Washington delivered the first State of the Union, the annual address to Congress. I wonder if the opposing party were as patently rude as the democrats in Congress were for President Trump when he gave his State of the Union address.
I have never witnessed such unbecoming behavior as that exhibited by the democrats and their brigand, perverse ilk during political discourse in the United States.
Their support of the criminal antifa and marxist BLM organizations pretty much say it all regarding their collective lack of good judgement. The defunding of police followed by the upswing in criminal statistics are simply another facet of that which we have been made to suffer because they stole the election.
Voting forensics do not lie.
Furthermore, I wonder if the democrats realize the full extent of contempt the majority of the nation has for their lawless office monetizing illogical and stupid asses.
In the sum total of who we are and where we're going it is a refreshing note that the Western Europeans by and large are rejecting the stupidity of woke culture and that these mistakes will be visited upon the democrats for a very long time to come.
The behavior of the left has been and will continue to be their downfall.
Boo to the democrats. They are a blight upon the land.