Shortly after I moved into the home in which I presently reside I received a notification from my credit card company that they had approved "my request" for a NASCAR credit card for which they would be deducting the limit from my present account with them lowering my previous limit by that amount.
Confused, I called the company and stated that I had not requested a NASCAR credit card from them or anyone else and I inquired as to how an account could be opened in the absence of an application from me.
To this they replied that they had one.
I told them that this could not be that I would never seek a NASCAR anything and the lady asked "why?" to which I replied that I hate NASCAR. I did, I do, and I will. I then asked to be given a copy of this application which was never received.
Needless to say I terminated all business with this credit card company and have never done business with them again.
Someone on the planet assumed that all people in South Carolina naturally love NASCAR and felt this oversight would not be caught and they likely would have received that card for a nice bout of fraud at my expense.
No, only the insipid inbred southerners in South Carolina love NASCAR. I could never be one of them.
Regardless, on this day in 1950 the first Southern 500 was held at Darlington Raceway.
This is the first 500 mile race held by NASCAR.
NASCAR has seen better days in the past. Forbidding the Confederate Flag has rendered them less than they were in this state because they exhibit the same stupidity of some blacks and others who see it as a racist symbol when in fact it symbolizes our honored war dead ... of which I have family members included in that group.
The bottom line is Darlington Raceway, Florence-Darlington Tech, the horrible thief Dr Dent in Florence, and everyone in the PeeDee as well as my best old ex friend Charlie Paschal who set me up for Dr Dent can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned.