While I don't readily associate myself with the word "nerd" plenty of others do.
I think the moniker is somewhat of a misnomer given the massive subject matter expertise forced upon me by the powers that be and all those lesser entities with whom they forced upon me during that time frame.
Technical certifications have certainly proven to be less than adequate preparation for anything besides fleecing the public.
The fete is held each August 23rd, which is also my sister's birthday under the auspices of one Beth Z, who claims to be everyone's Nerdy Best Friend.
Be all of this as it may, those technical pursuits are about the only thing keeping me sane these days since retirement and I have not really meshed too well.
So get out there and find your inner nerd, if you think you have one.
I'm not entirely sure but plan to at least fake it hookah smoking caterpillar not withstanding ...
Happy Find Your Inner Nerd Day to all the geeks of the world.