
Festival of Unmentionable Thoughts 2022

unmentionable thoughts    
Anymore I have a lot of thoughts I simply keep to myself. Whereas once I was the bastion of TMI — I find that aspect of my social interaction has vastly diminished.

I don't really consider anything which transpires between the ears to be too unmentionable or nasty to share with others. I just lack that shock value interest I once vigorously pursued as a matter of humoring myself.

My only saving grace in this context is the fact that I don't typically act on any of those unmentionable thoughts I have yet keep to myself.

I don't actively pursue the harm of others. However, if I had my way some would come to irreparable harm. It's just civil comportment standing in the way.

Somewhere I developed this tendency toward having my opinion and letting it stand at that. Just because I think it I no longer have to say it.

In the past I could allow pugilism and fisticuffs rule the roost. I have had many arguments over the years which inevitably turned hostile. All because I had to tell everything I knew.

That was then. This is now.

As you participate in this Festival of Unmentionable Thoughts (or not) I hope you'll remember the context of your existence and not make things more difficult for yourself as I once was compelled to do.

Perhaps that provocative side of me simply was overcome with other aspects of my personality.