When I was a kid in high school, my senior English teacher, Mr Charlie C Miller, spoke of a person known as 'The Venerable Bede' and his reference was to some of the poetry and poets we were studying during the progress of his project which he called a 'lap' that we dutifully completed.
Sadly I don't remember the specifics in this my ever advancing age; only that it took a great deal of class time and covered many topics.
Bede was an English Benedictine monk at the monastery of St Peter and its companion monastery of St Paul in the Kingdom of Northumbria of the Angles.
He was born cā673 in the Kingdom of Northumbria which was an early medieval Anglo Saxon kingdom in what is now Northern England and southeast Scotland and passed on May 26, 735 in Jarrow, part of that same kingdom.
He popularized the use of Anno Domini ā in the year of our Lord when dating forward from the birth of Christ.
It appears that Bede's main claim to fame was as a writer, historian, and poet largely based on his Historia Ecclesiastica and he is recognized as being one of the first academic historians.
He was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1899 by Pope Leo XIII in Rome.
He holds many accolades and european edifices are named for him to this day.
The list of his writings are quite impressive even for a modern man much less the ancient scholar which he was in his time.