
Draw Mohammed Day 2022

The Prophet Mohammed
I'm not real big on extremism these days.

Nor do I believe in a religious right to kill others as is the propensity for radical muslim traditions anymore

So this is Draw Mohammed Day.

It is an an event which arose from the 2010 threatening of artists who have drawn representations of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

The thrust of the observance is that support of freedom of expression and is a direct result of the South Park show.

They received death threats in the melee of muslims and their sharia insanity run amok over a cartoon show which stated it would publish a picture of the prophet Mohammed.

It was stated that if everybody drew Mohammed then the muslims would be unable to murder everybody who did so.

I'm game.

However the observance has attracted little in the way of public support.

In memory of the Charlie Hebdo journalists who were murdered on January 7, 2015 at the French satire magazine by muslim lunatics I submit my sketch of the Prophet Mohammed.

My submission is meant to be respectful and when the muslims come to kill me I hope that some righteous baptist warrior will avenge my death.

Je suis Charlie