
Dog Days 2018

Here we are, back to the start of dog days — those hot humid overpowering times when dogs go mad from the heat and people may be cross, and the outside is a boiling pot of misery lacking anything in the way of creature comfort.
dog days
Named for the dog star Sirius which rises in this time frame the heat and lethargy as well as drought, thunderstorms, and a variety of other somatic and environmental ills are part and parcel of this time of year ... particularly in the deep South.

The "dog days of Summer" represent that hottest, most uncomfortable summer experience in the Northern Hemisphere.

So, according to the Farmer's Almanac we're embarking on those dog days with the heat, humidity, and heavy, airless, stifling, oppressive, muggy atmosphere pervading the area like a big hot sponge through which we in South Carolina negotiate during our day ... which historically often lasts through the end of August and sometimes into September.