
Dick Van Dyke became a libtard

Dick Van Dyke Libtard

When I was a child Dick Van Dyke was a favorite actor. I watched the Dick Van Dyke show religiously and enjoyed the antics of Mary Poppins and other appearances set before me. Later in his old age a leftish libtard streak came forth and I have now lost all respect for him.

It is said that I should end using the term because it is "highly offensive". I say libards are highly offensive with their skewed attitudes and counterproductive efforts in and of themselves.

Richard Wayne Van Dyke was born December 13, 1925 at West Plains, Missouri. He was trained at Danville High School and became an actor, comedian, singer, dancer, writer and insufferable litard. He is a veteran of the US Air force.

Some of his public statements are infuriating and insulting. It is quite possible that he may have had some infarct as the result of passing age and does not realize what a toad he has become.

He stated publically that he would rather die that see another four years of President Trump.

Now I get a fair amount of grief over calling select members of the left "libtards" because they are "liberal retards" but indeed, I stand by this labeling of the morons populating our country. I just never thought I'd ever be forced to include Dick Van Dyke in their stupid numbers ...

I simply cannot help it should the moniker offend some of my more hoity toity cohorts on the right.

In other words, kiss my ENTIRE ass.

His attitude toward Mr Trump is very unpatriotic and projects an unawareness of who has been good for the country while the democrats absolutely were not.

Today is his birthday. He is 99 and therfore pushing a hundred, an unseemly and ignorant asshole, and unaware of the politics of our nation.

Die libtard die.