
Dewey Decimal System Day 2021

    stupid local county library
My last encounter with the local county library was years ago and turned me against them altogether. Were I a violent man I should be in prison right now ...

Had I not attained that modicum of control I sought immediately following the incident.

I went to the library ostensibly to use their computer to look for work and the dickhead bald male reference librarian decided he was going to 'discipline' me for some perceived infraction of his protocols.

Rather than break his pencil neck geek cervical vertebrae — which HAD crossed my mind — I departed never to return again.

I don't need the library, their assets, or their insipid lip giving punk ass librarian.

The porcine appearing caucasian white girl sporting the brown afro in all her jewish appearing pseudointellectual engaged ass wasn't any better.

December 10 is Dewey Decimal System Day. The day commemorates the birth of Melville Dewey, the inventor of the Dewey Decimal System of library classification. ... The system, first published in 1876, organizes library materials by fields.
Go to the libary and look at the arrangement. Maybe you won't get abused during YOUR visit. I might have returned but I was afraid I might kill somebody.

I'm just way too pretty and have entirely too many responsibilities otherwise to go to prison.