
Dental Drill Appreciation Day 2025

Dr Rob Guerriero, DDS    
I recently had a dental visit after about 10 years or so.

There was serious interior degredation of the right superior molar due to amalgam being put in the tooth against my expressed wishes. Essentially there was decay from "the inside out".

I went to the place I typically go and met the third dentist to hang his shingle there during the existence of the place.

The location is Soda City Dentistry 1801 Charleston Hwy Ste A, Cayce, SC 29033 (803)-794-5430.


    My first dentist was Dr Rick Jackson, the amalgam freak.
    My second dentist was Dr Nick Pournaras , who had really impressive skills.
    My last visit was with Dr Rob Guerriero whom I think has impressive skills in his own right.

The visit went well. The post op pain was about a 2 week thingie but totally mild.

I am now sitting pretty with two new crowns in a year.

Dr Nick placed the first. Dr Rob installed the second.

Today is Dental Drill Appreciation Day. It is an annual happening each January 26th.

Few patients would think that the dental drill should be celebrated.

It is however a tool of the dentist which has undergone extensive evolution over the years and I dare say the pain associated with it has never been something I have experienced.

So whether you see a lot of drill action or not, dental care is an important aspect of modern life if you prefer to exist with minimal decay and subsequent stank bref.

For some of us fresh breath is the priority.

I recommend Dr Rob Guerriero at Soda City Dentistry for your dental care without reservation.