So data privacy isn't such the priority in business these days. My mortgage company sent me the second letter telling me about their latest data breach so I've involved a more competent group of people to track this mess than they obviously can muster. I wish I'd never heard of these people.
Luckily my credit reports stay frozen due to my general suspicion of every one in the United States with the democrats allowing all manner of criminal element in to prey on the tax payer.
I think the executive administration should be taken out and executed as the traitors they are. They are not upholding their oath of office ... or anything else for that matter.
Data Privacy Day is a facet of the alleged global online safety, security, and privacy campaign called STOP. THINK. CONNECT. which is allegedly some misbegotton initiative of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA).
You are all failures.
I don't think the government wants data privacy. I think they want to control you too closely for that. Nikki gd democrat in RINO clothing Haley sure does. I hope that crook gets packed up in a box and shipped to India along with her parents, husband, and children. That's where she should be.
We have the criminal executive administration seeking to control every aspect of our money with the Central Bank Digital Currency because they are criminal scum. They don't seem to think that this will go down unchallenged and the congress has a bill that would stop the Federal Reserve from working on the entire notion of dirty dealing central bank digital currency without giving the full house the opportunity to consider just what these scumbag democrats propose.
The biggest liar on the planet Dick Durbin of course appears to be paid by the payment card industry and I hope his stupidity gets put under the microscope as well. His Durbin Amendment is about as corrupt and most failed government policy of all time. He should not be allowed to fleece the taxpayer as is his apparent career.
I do not understand why crooks are allowed to remain in government when they should be captured, placed in chains, and sent to gitmo to suffer for the remainder of their miserable crook ass lives. Where is a little advocacy for the tax payer when we really need it. All we get is Durbin and his moron ideas of how to take more and more of money the democrats haven't ALREADY confiscated otherwise. Enough !