Dan Aykroyd has been in my life from about 1971 in the heyday of Saturday Night Live and various movies like The Blues Brothers, the Conehead franchise, Ghostbusters, and of course the Family Guy thingie he did and I am always prepared to stop what I'm doing and hear what he has to say.
He has great personal information regarding paranormal happenings and I enjoy his scientific and logical insights to the phenomena as well as his wit and wisdom otherwise.
Daniel Edward Aykroyd was born on July 1, 1952 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada which makes him one of those few personalities actually older than me. He works on stage, on film, and of course in telvision doing his spin on sketch and improv comedy as well as some musical stuff of merit as well.
He is an accomplished actor, comedian, writer, producer, and musician and one of the original "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" on Saturday Night Live was where I caught his performances weekly as a matter of personal enjoyment.
He also has various business pursuits having co-founded the House of Blues music venue chain as well as the Crystal Head Vodka brand.
He continues to hold my interest whenever I encounter him and I do not take some of the discussions he has regarding extra terrestrial happenings lightly.
I hope he stays around for a long time to come because I have always believed he has much to offer the world.
Today is his 69th birthday. Happy birthday to you !