Some laws are bad ideas. Laws like the seat belt laws where people think they need to control every aspect of your existence like the overstepping retired bimbo Senator John Land, a moron who pushed them here in South Carolina.
Bad ideas like the Corn Laws of Britain which were a set of taxes and restrictions which increased the price of corn and other staple grain crops like wheat and barley were abolished in Great Britain.
Designed to protect British farmers from imported grain obtained at a bargain price the corn laws were a response to the Napoleonic wars with a British blockade of Europe leading to an increase in profits for the local economy and farmers attempting to retain the higher profits.
The economics trickled down to bread and the cost of living in gernal and limited the disposable income of Brits as a whole limiting economic growth.
It reached the point where the working class was unable to afford anything other than food and they were forced to stop buying manufactured goods, reducing the profits to the manufacturing sector of the economy.
The working class were hurt by the corn laws while the wealthy 3 percent who voted benefited.
The prolonged allowance of this disparity led to widespread rioting and this was the beginning of the end of the corn laws despite what the elite wanted for themselves.
On this day in 1849 the Corn Laws were abolished in Britain.