I keep wondering what value the use of all the ubiquitous cookie dialogs are in the presence of cookie countermeasures which ensure no cookies remain after the session ends.
The European Union and their General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 2018 is a privacy and security treastise for anyone providing goods and services in the EU.
The lack of physical boundaries on the internet apparently forces everyone around the world to comply and users participate in the regulations regardless of geolocation because all too many on the internet MUST be sniveling money grubbing human beings and IP geolocation simply does not work by and large.
I go to a lot of trouble to eradicate cookies on my workstation because there is no site that I deem so essential that I need to maintain their storage on my workstation. So I simply respond in the affirmative then allow the cookie to be blown away shortly after the session ends.
It makes me think that site operators are basically ignorant of the backend technology.
If the EU decided to jump off a cliff all too many web site operators of the world would follow close behind them. I don't set cookies pursuant to my site web presence because I view it as unnecessary in the presence of adequate contact form scripting.
Sometimes I feel that the internet consists of a bunch of knee jerk lemmings out to play follow the leader to their own demise.