
Color TV Day 2023

color tv with test pattern    
Once upon a time I too was a teevee addict.

I recall my first television program in color and where I was and what grade I was in. Dad came home and set it up and Hogan's Heros was just beginning. I saw the snow and boots and everything was very vivid in my mind. It was a far cry from the black and white Sylvania it replaced. Thus began my initial immersion into color television.

Yes, I would sit before the tube like a cabbage simply taking it all in. You could have just called me 'slaw'. These days find me before a computer screen much more than any television screen but I must say that were the programming better perhaps my attitude toward the format might be as well. I am so put out with television in general that my mama had to save my television which was about to be smashed on my sidewalk. We took it into her new home and there it sits now in all it's streaming and broadcast television no cable glory. Yawn.

Today is C o l o r TV Day. It happens each June 25 annually. The technology is pretty much standard fare in these times but I recall a day when black and white television was the only thing available to me personally.

This day commemorates color television and it's role in our information exchange and entertainment since those first sets went on public sale in 1953 with the first consumer version by RCA model number CT-100 with it's high price and low quality.

However, everything has a starting point and the present technology known as OLED and it's MLA (multi lens array) improving that quality who knows where the pinnacle will end up ?

Regardless of whether you absolutely love television or can do without it you likely keep a set around for those moments when it might be signficant to your existence so Happy Color TV Day to you !