
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day 2021

    clean fridge
It is November 15 and that makes it Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.

The day meant to clear out your fridge of all those suspicious foodstuffs which may be growing colonies ... or worse.

Hygiene is not solely a bodily function. It is important to maintain environmental hygiene as a matter of health maintenance.

So when that pitcher of tea has the appearance of pond scum or that old bowl of guac seems to be growing larger and greener or those orange slices seem to be active penicillin cultures it's important to dispose of them and any other products which may be assuming a life of their own in the cold dark reaches of the fridge and wipe those surfaces down which may have become innoculated in the process.

Being somewhat of a germaphobe in the finest Sheldon Cooper tradition I rarely allow anything to linger long enough to fester and spoil in my fridge.

Besides, I typically have the stuff eaten long before any danger is even possible.