All too many in the mainstream media are casting blame on President Trump for the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus COVID-19.
When assigning a scapegoat it is usual and customary to choose individuals with culpability. This is not the case with The President.
These morons of CNN, MSNBC, and numerous others like to focus their fear mongering on the public while casting undeserved blame upon the President.
History will record that jurisdiction responsible for loosing this plague upon the world ...
That being China.
We're going to take the blame game out on the mainstream media who so richly deserve the label liars and enemies of the state.
Then there are those jurisdictions who have taken martial law upon themselves stepping on the civil rights of their citizens as though ruling by devine right decree.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the best in many and the worst in too many.
There will be repercussions for those misguided media members as well as leaderships of jurisdictions who overstep their authority over the taxpayers.
Too much has been stirred up for the leftist liberal survival in the body politic.
Too many understand the stupidity imposed on The Republic by Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, et al and their decline continues with increasing velocity.