
Black Moon of April 30, 2022

Black Moon
An astronomical event approches imminently and will arrive April 30th.

We have the first solar eclipse of the year set to go down on Saturday, April 30th.

This will coincide with the second new moon of the month, known as the Black Moon.

The eclipse will be partial and only visible from parts of Antarctica, South America, and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Though the US is not in the viewing area, there will be opportunities to view the event through live streaming.

Black Moons are somewhat rare as they typically occur about every 32 months (two to three years) according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.

The Black Moon will occur on April 30th and be visible at 2:45 pm ET. It is set to peak shortly after at 4:41 p.m. ET and will last be seen at 6:37 pm ET as specified in the threads.

Note that these times are for live stream viewing since the phenomenon won't be visible in this part of the world.