
Birthday of My Grandma Ida

Ida Lou Whetstone Williamson    

Ida Lou Whetstone Williamson was my paternal grand parent and at one time I thought she was the only one on my daddy's side of the family who really loved me. Over the years I've attempted to temper my attitude with doses of reality as tolerated and I am still left feeling the entire concept of playing favorites is truly abhorrant to the family model.

Suffice it to say my Grandma Ida loved us all equally and never hesitated to show it.

She was an accomplished home maker and cook in the traditions of country living and family. She suffered greatly on the passing of her husband, my grandaddy Jim Williamson, Sr., who I really did not feel cared anything for me personally.

Perhaps I'm wrong but there was too much favoritism on that side of the family and I have issues which continue with passing time despite my best efforts to quell any and all harsh thoughts regarding my ancestors.

My Grandma Ida was born July 17, 1905 and this would have been her 119th year had she lived to this day — having passed October 20, 1985 in my grief stricken presence after a hard fought eleven year battle with Alzheimer's dementia.

I have missed that special person my grandma was in my life as time has progressed.

Rest in peace.