Here's a day that certainly wasn't invented with me in mind ... Be Humble Day.
To be humble is to be not proud. It is without boastfulness. It is a characteristic by which you don't feel or project you're better than other people. Even in the presence of vast achievements we should make all attempts to remain humble.
I personally view Elon Musk as one who typifies the humble yet accomplished human being.
I'm not saying that he is timid or seeking attention or anything else. I just feel that despite his massive repetoire of achievements he remains humble and does not let anything go to his head.
I on the other hand have largely remained silent about my skills during my career. Now that I am retired I like to make a few items of historical information known regarding who knew what and JUST WHO continually walked on whom during their careers.
It's not braggadocio. Just fact. However, humble I am not.
So we observe Be Humble Day annually on February 22 to stress that value which is to be had from humility. I know many people who have attained great works and never bring them to the attention of anyone they encounter.
While my accomplishments are merely subsets in the area of subject matter expertise there is no need to tell all the tales I know. Telling everything you know remains a mistake if you seek humility.
So aside from this place — which is mine — I remain largely silent. That pride I have felt in the past is left in the past where it belongs. All that pissed off with the college scene idiots still remains with me, however.
May your humbleness shine like a beacon before your peers.