
Aunt Lona's Funeral

Aunt Lona    
Sunday, October 24th found me at Salley Oakview Cemetery attending the funeral of my dearly departed Aunt Lona.

Though I recognized quite a few of those present I was content to maintain a background position for the ceremony, touching her casket and saying a prayer just prior to the commencement of services.

It was a hot day to be full blown autumn and I was happy that my mother was seated as I stood there in the sun. However, my aunt deserved my attentions on that day having been distant thoughout her life and seeking justification in my own mind of this neglect I encounter with increasing frequency as I grow older.

My last visit with her was at her home in Wagener, South Carolina when I saw her in her yard while driving past. I stopped and we chatted for a half hour or so and it was a very pleasant interlude. We discussed many different topics and she touched on her happiness over her son in law's success in his own business and the glow of pride for his accomplishments lit up her countenance as she smiled and continued.

I have often wondered why such events don't happen with more frequency in my life.

Another aspect somewhat embarrassing to me is the fact that I did not recognize my dear old friend Charlie Tyler who conducted the service and did a grand job as well. He and his wife sang two hymns and I tell you, me not remembering him nor even reading the program until I returned home is telling on my level of socialization and comportment.

The sum total of these events has led me down the path of introspection for I am an unsocial animal to say the least.

I should at least be more attentive regarding those for whom I care.