
Attention to detail too

In my career I've encountered too many who lack attention to detail.

They are mostly females and typically speak in circular patterns interspersed with 'do you dig where I'm coming from ?' among other trite mess and I have grown intolerant of interactions with individuals unable to function at an adequate intellectual level in my presence.

No offense, I think it's fine not to be academically spirited, but prefer coherent stimulating company myself.

attention to detail

I've always prided myself in my ability to provide attention to detail.

Until lately I have always been able to engage my cognition with accuracy and thoroughness pouring over details for hours on end without tiring.

I have analyzed data to check for errors and inaccuracies but more, erroneous control structures and logic in code that I write.

Far better to discover your own errors than to have the client do so.

hex dump snip

This, unfortunately, has occured occasionally over time.

That was then. This is now.

Of late, I notice these thought processes I once cherished in myself aren't as fluid and easy as I once thought they were.

I attribute this to my advancing age and while my memory is satisfactory I view it as a failure of my own personal standards.

Why then, should a retired fellow be so concerned noticing less intellect than remembered previously ?

Because I'm a F☠cking stickler for facts, recall, and consistently firing synapses.

This is why further courses of nootropics are in my immediate future.

I am not one to take what I construe to be excess groping for a thought or a word or an idea lying down.

What do I look like, some dumb ass college instructor ?

screaming question mark