I used to be a heavy handed Christian. Whereas in my immaturity I would once think your beliefs to be incorrect and go to great lengths to attempt to have you see the error of your ways — now I am content to hear your point of view and leave it at that.
Today is Atheist Day. I once equated atheism with satanism. Over the years I have realized that they are not the same and this has caused me to lighten up on the atheists somewhat.
It is said that some 2% or so of the world population do not adhere to religion of any kind. This absence of belief in diety is the crux of atheism.
• Atheism is a lack of belief in gods.
• Atheism is not a belief system.
• Atheism is not a religion.
Once upon a time I might take you to task if you tell me you worship satan. While I won't try to convert you I will allow you to make any germane points you deem appropriate and keep any unsolicited exchange to myself.
Simply an absence of belief no longer raises my hackles at all as it did at at an earlier point in my life.
Actually, I think I toyed with the idea of atheism myself in a younger day. I also question my theology in the absence of that lottery jackpot for which I have prayed a long time now.
Be all of this as it may I think my religion is intact. I attempt to learn more regarding scripture and live my life more in tune with my religious beliefs and from which I indeed do stray at times.
I have heard the terms Humanist, Secular, Bright, Freethinker, Agnostic and such to describe atheism. IMHO you believe or you don't. Being a believer does not qualify your beliefs with me. Likewise, I don't hold what you believe against you as long as you do not encroach upon or force yourself on mine.
Athiests claim to be members of the so-called LGBTQ* community. I neither claim this affiliation nor do I force what I think upon those who have these desires which do not cross chromosomal configurations.
Just because I think you are a male though you "identify" as female is a function of how I view science which is by design outside my theological believe system. Likewise the trans stupidity exhibited by these notions is yet another matter.
The fact that I believe you may say there is no heaven yet hopefully pray there is no hell is neither here nor there. We make our own beds in life by those choices we make. Where you end up will either be good or bad in accordance with who you are.